Pupil Premium
We received £220,520 Pupil Premium funding this year. This additional money is generated by the number of pupils who are eligible for free school meals and at Macaulay we have used it for a range of additional resources.
We ensure that all classes have are supported at key learning times by qualified teaching assistants. Teaching assistants support quality first teaching and deliver a wide range of support across the full curriculum.
We have a wellbeing team, including a qualified Thrive practitioner, who provide social and emotional support for families and children. We also employ our own attendance officer who supports families to improve attendance and punctuality.
At Macaulay, we are committed to providing a range of experiences which enhance the curriculum and pupils’ enjoyment of school. The pupil premium has been used to contribute towards the cost of these visits and visitors.
Objectives of our pupil premium spending are:
· To remove barriers to learning created by poverty, family circumstance and background.
· To narrow the attainment gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged counterparts both within school and nationally.
· To ensure ALL pupils are able to read fluently and with good understanding to enable them to access the breadth of the curriculum.
· To meet the needs of the variety of SEND needs present in different cohorts.
· To enable pupils to look after their social and emotional wellbeing and to develop resilience.
· To access a wide range of opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world.
You can read details of how Macaulay Primary Academy utilises its pupil premium funding by viewing the documents below.