We require all children to wear school uniform.
We expect that children wear black or grey trousers, skirt or tunic with a white blouse or shirt. In summer girls may wear blue checked or striped dresses. Sweat shirts with the academy logo can be purchased from the academy office. Children in Year 6 are expected to wear the Delta Academy tie.
Please ensure that your child wears sensible black school shoes – no platforms or ‘strappy’ sandals, trainers are also not suitable footwear.
Please avoid sending your child to school in jewellery that can be either lost or damaged. Stud earrings, that are circular and flat, may be worn but those must be removed for P.E. No ‘dangly’ earrings, bracelets, necklaces etc should be worn.

For PE sessions, children must wear a plain white t-shirt, plain black shorts and plimsoles/trainers – depending on the indoor or outdoor sessions. In colder weather, children may wear plain tracksuits and/or a jumper.
Please ensure that all clothes and shoes belonging to your child are clearly named.

SPT Uniforms are now our sole provider of school uniforms. Uniform can be purchased online and delivered free of charge to the school, ready for collection. SPT Uniforms website is available here: SPT Uniforms | Affordable Quality School Uniforms