The Computing curriculum at Macaulay Primary Academy is exciting, rich and challenging. It equips children with the capability to use technology throughout their lives.
We equip pupils with the skills and understanding to use computers effectively. It helps pupils become confident, responsible users of a range of technology. Our curriculum is planned so that pupils can apply and consolidate their computing skills within many areas of our curriculum. The computing curriculum teaches pupils how they can keep themselves safe. This includes across a range of online and gaming platforms, including social media. Online safety is taught explicitly within computing sessions and wider curriculum activities. We work with pupils’ families to ensure our pupils know what to do to keep safe online. We share how to deal with any problems and what they should do if they are concerned or worried.
All children have access to one hour of Computing a week. They gain experience with hardware such as desktop computers, iPads, tablets and Bee-Bots. Most of our curriculum is delivered through Purple Mash, which can be accessed at home as well as in school. Our children learn how to use data, information and communication technology responsibly. We ensure that they can reap the benefits of the online world with the knowledge of how to keep themselves and others safe.
In Early Years:
- learning environments feature ICT scenarios based on experience in the real world
In Key Stage 1 children:
- gain an understanding of algorithms
- write simple programs
- use data in a range of digital formats
In Key Stage 2 children:
- develop their use of logical reasoning while designing and debugging programs
E-Safety is promoted throughout the curriculum, not just through the computing curriculum. Find out more here: